Episode 5 of The Leadership Podcast is now live! Watch now.

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People performance transformation platform

Build Great People Leaders at Scale!

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Trusted by 2000+ companies

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Meet the character

Click on the character to know more about their role in a manager's development journey.

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Always-on feedback and development loop for
building effective people leaders at scale

Paving the Way for Excellence

Manager feedback survey

Personalised actions recommended based on reliable team feedback data

  • Science based surveys

    Research based framework focused on actionable manager behaviours

  • Delivered via email/whatsapp/teams

    Get these surveys through your preferred channel like email, whatsapp, and teams

  • High reliability

    Use of data science and behavioral nudges for improved reliability and validity of feedback giver responses

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Managers get access to Team Feedback Scorecards

Encouraging feedback, not criticism

  • Affirmative

    Strengths-based approach to sharing feedback data

  • Real-time

    Refreshes based on real-time team feedback data

  • Trends

    Historical trends to help user see progress overtime

How GMI helps correct this?

Our pathway to help you build great people leaders at scale.

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Character’s journey with GMI app

A managers pathway to become an effective people manager building high trust high performance teams delivering sustained business results.

Daily nudges

Personalised & gamified daily nudges for managers

  • Personalised

    Personalised based on development needs, level and function using advance algorithm

  • Gamified

    Badges and leaderboard displaying the top performers

  • Accessible

    Delivered via email, whatsapp/teams/slack

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Peer-to-Peer mentoring community

Learning via experience sharing

  • Global

    Community of great people leaders from across the globe

  • Matching

    Advanced algorithms to recommend the right mentors to users

  • Multiple Channels

    Text, audio & video based mentorship conversations

Leadership Analytics Dashboard

Leadership pipeline planning, based on data

  • Real-time

    Real-time data to track leadership health and employee feedback along with robust benchmarks

  • Rollup

    Company as well as BU level access for shared accountability

  • Leadership Pipeline

    Classification of people managers – Identification of robust leadership pipeline linked to outcomes linked to outcomes like attrition, engagement and customer NPS

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Social & gamified development journey

Encourage healthy competition by turning the on-going leadership development journey into a social game.

  • Organisation’s priorities

    Set manager level custom development goals

  • Team feedback data

    Let real-time team feedback guide recommendations managers receive

  • Level and context

    Recommended actions adapt as per the level and context of the manager

Configurable to suit your organization’s needs

Our platform is designed to adapt to a company’s unique needs irresepective
of industry and size.

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User Management

Give different level of access to different users based on their need.

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Frequency control

Determine how frequently you want to assess your managers. It can be done daily, weekly, monthly or even annually.

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Customised learning goal

Enable managers to create their own unique learning goals on the platform

Research based framework

Our proprietary Connect-Develop-Inspire Framework® for measuring managerial
effectiveness, customisable to suit your organization’s unique context

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We help organizations build
high-performing people leaders & team

Implementation Roadmap

Launch announcement

Organization launches an internal communication campaign to build awareness regarding upcoming launch

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Team receives Great Manager survey via email

Direct reports (and peers/reporting managers/seniors) of managers are invited to share feedback

HR receives access to leadership analytics dashboard

HR Leadership Team and BU Heads receive access to a real-time leadership analytic dashboard

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Manager receives access to Great Manager app

Managers get access to online app to view real-time feedback and recommended actions

Manager starts receiving behavioural nudges via email/whatsapp

Managers start receiving daily personalised recommended actions to drive learning and behavior change

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Team starts receiving real-time feedback surveys via email/whatsapp

Direct reports start receiving daily micro surveys via email/whatsapp/teams/slack

Manager starts receiving gamified leaderboard updates via email

Gamified experience to encourage managers to immerse in experiential and continuous leadership development journey

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Get In Touch With Us

Take the first step in equipping managers with the right tools for success in today's work environment.

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